I at least have some delectable recipes in memory and left behind the fear of trying new foods. So often now I can grab whatever I find in the fridge and make something visually pleasing and edible.
The main rule I keep in mind is: if there is a dish out there combining those ingredients, try it.
Brunch made of spinach, green onions, mushrooms, one egg, and toast
Of course it's not a hard concept to grasp, most cook like this anyway; so preparing fresh meals isn't a forced habit. If only I documented the gastric hell I used to live in, my sentiment would be clearer.
On another note, I've only more sewing to do than there appears to be in the shop. Making the decision to work on a tutorial rather than re-list an item was tough, but I have not written a tutorial since the "Pleats to Gathers tutorial" and I like to write up tutorials of tips that are seldom shared. When it comes to sewing, the internet is quite redundant, it's easy to get lost in all the clutter. This should yield a swimsuit tutorial; whether it's a one-piece or two, that's yet to be determined.
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